menu. Python. It is opened by the “About Disinfectant” command in the Apple This window presents Disinfectant’s about box. Our apologies to Monty  xThe About Window     flash the small Disinfectant icon in the menu bar. display a diamond next to Disinfectant’s name in the Apple menu and to Disinfectant requires attention for some other reason. The default is to specifies how you wish to be notified if an infection is discovered or if Disinfectant can run in the background under MultiFinder. This option  Û Û Û Û Û  • Background notification options.    handle such large files. because saved documents are very large and not all of the applications can application names than does the popup menu for saved documents. This is You may notice that the popup menu for saved reports contains more  names. type “creator types” directly in the fields to the right of the application select any of the more popular word processors and editors. You can also containing the names of the applications are popup menus which let you You can change the applications which own these saved files. The boxes  saved document from the Finder, Microsoft Word will be opened. report from the Finder, TeachText will be opened, whereas if you open a documents as Microsoft Word files. This means that if you open a saved By default, Disinfectant saves reports as TeachText files and it saves  word processor or editor. text files without any formatting and they can be read by any Macintosh text-only versions of the document. These files are always saved as plain You can save the reports generated by Disinfectant and you can also save  Ú Ú Ú Ú Ú  • Saved text file options.   Use it only for scanning stations. We do not recommend that you check this option in any other situation.  which might require use of the mouse or keyboard in the future. This scanning station option also tells Disinfectant to avoid any situations  time during the startup process. scanning mode. You should need neither the keyboard nor the mouse at any scanning station. It will automatically go into Disinfectant’s floppy You should use this special startup disk whenever you restart your  startup disk. Step 9. Shutdown and lock the disk. This is your special scanning station  Disinfectant as the startup application for this disk. and then use the “Set Startup” command in the “Special” menu to set Step 8. In the Finder, click on the Disinfectant application icon to select it,  Prefs” . Step 7. You should see a fourth file on the disk named “Disinfectant  Step 6. Close the Preferences window and quit Disinfectant.  Step 5. Select either the “Scan” or the “Disinfect” option.  Step 4. Check the “Scanning station with no mouse or keyboard” option.   the preferences window. Step 3. Select the “Preferences” command from the “File” menu to open  Step 2. Restart using the disk you just made, and run Disinfectant.  Disinfectant). Step 1. Make a copy of your regular virus tools disk (System + Finder +  scanning station startup disk: If you do remove the mouse and keyboard, you should first build a special    checking for viruses. mouse and keyboard to discourage use of the Mac for anything but floppies to have them scanned or disinfected. You can even remove the used for nothing but checking for viruses. Users can simply insert their If you wish, you can establish a special Mac in your lab or office to be  Ò Ò Ò Ò  • Scanning station options.    infection is discovered. The default is no beeping. This option specifies how many times Disinfectant should beep when an      • Beeping option.  It is opened by the “Preferences” command in the File menu. This window lets you set various options and parameters for Disinfectant.  xThe Preferences Window    Help mode can be canceled at any time by pressing Command-Period.  description of that virus. and click on the infection message in the report to get a detailed If Disinfectant reports that a file is infected by a virus, press Command-?  get a detailed description of that error message. and click on any error message line (any line that begins with “###”) to If Disinfectant issues an error message in the report, press Command-?  to the description of that object or command. any menu command. Disinfectant will bring up the help window and scroll mark. Then click on any object in any of Disinfectant’s windows or select document. Press Command-? and the cursor will turn into a question Disinfectant offers a method to help you quickly locate information in the  section on the File menu for more details. The document can be printed and you can save it as a text file. See the   À À À À À À À À À À À À À À À  bottom of the menu to scroll up or down. table of contents is a scrolling menu. Click on the triangles at the top and section title in the table of contents on the right side of the window. The You can quickly jump to any section of the document by clicking on the    and shift keys while pressing the up or down arrow key. jump to the beginning or end of the report, hold down both the command hold down the command key while pressing the up or down arrow key. To your keyboard has these keys). To scroll up or down one screen at a time, keys to scroll the document backwards or forwards one line at a time (if In addition to using the scroll bar, you can also use the up and down arrow  Use the scroll bar to scroll through the document.  keyboard equivalent. the “Disinfectant Help” command in the Apple menu or by the Command-H This window displays the document you are reading now. It is opened by  xThe Help Window    next to the counters to reset all of them to zero. errors have been encountered. You can click on the small Reset button scanned, how many infected files have been discovered, and how many The three counters show a running total of how many files have been  folder scans, file scans, or scans of server disks. thermometer is only available on full disk scans. It is not present on thermometer fills with gray to indicate the progress of the scan. The scanned are displayed next to the small folder and file icons. In addition, a During a disk scan, the names of the folder and file currently being  disks. This is an alternative to using the Drive button. keep the mouse button held down to get a popup menu listing all of your The current disk name is a popup menu. You can click on the disk name and   Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ Õ  of Disinfectant’s main window: Several other pieces of information are displayed in the top right corner   and shift keys while pressing the up or down arrow key. jump to the beginning or end of the report, hold down both the command hold down the command key while pressing the up or down arrow key. To your keyboard has these keys). To scroll up or down one screen at a time, keys to scroll the report backwards or forwards one line at a time (if In addition to using the scroll bar, you can also use the up and down arrow   Œ Œ Œ Œ⌃ Œ⌥ Œ⇧ Œ⌘ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ Œ  scroll bar to view the entire report. on the left side of the screen. When the scan is complete, you can use the Both the Scan and Disinfect buttons produce a detailed report in the field     • Quit. Quits the application.  ◊ ◊     cancel the scan. You can also type Command-Period to cancel a scan. • Cancel. This button is active during disk scans. Use it if you want to  ÷ ÷     Option and command keys: Scan all mounted volumes. Command key: Quickly scan a sequence of floppies. Option key: Scan a single folder or file.  on the Scan or Disinfect button: “Menus.” You can also hold down the following key or keys while clicking Scan and Disinfect menus are described in detail in the section titled For other kinds of scans, you can use the menus or command keys. The  infected files which it finds. Disinfectant checks each file for infection and attempts to repair any Use the Disinfect button to scan and disinfect the disk you selected.  infected files. Disinfectant will check the disk for infections, but it will not try to repair • Scan and Disinfect. Use the Scan button to scan the disk you selected.  ” ”    disks. The Eject button is used to eject a floppy disk. dialogs. The Drive button cycles through all of your hard disks and floppy or disinfect. These buttons work just like they do in Apple’s standard file • Drive and Eject. Use these buttons to select the disk you want to scan  “ “   window: The operation of Disinfectant is controlled by six buttons in the main  be closed. generated by the application. The main window is always open and cannot contains the main controls for the application and it displays the report The main Disinfectant window is the one you will use most often. It  xThe Main Window   This section describes each of Disinfectant’s windows.   åWindows : :  ˇˇ